Hi friends, Hope u all co-operate in eradicating this evil thing With regards to朋友,希望你能加入到根除这个邪恶的事情中来
What u are going to witness here is a fact,don‘t get scared! 你即将成为一个证人,不要害怕!
"it‘s japan‘s hottest food"
In Japan,dead babies or fetuses could be bought at $10000 to $12000 from hospitals to meet the high demand for grilled and barbecued babies
what a sad state!!please forward this message to as many people as u can多么悲哀的情况!请转寄这条消息给你可以传送的所有可能的人们
so that it against human race and unless we people of the world put hand to eradicate this custom.this will not end.even the word impossible says Impossible